Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Bourne Ultimatum

Thanks to page four of G2 in today's Guardian, got to see the third installment of Matt Damon's powerhouse Bourne franchise a couple of days early, and for free.

And I really don't know what to say.

Monday, August 06, 2007

A Scanner Darkly

This is one of those movies I wanted to see at the cinema, but never got round to. I think, in retrospect, it was better to have seen it on a TV, because this is a seriously weird film. 

Even now, I'm not quite sure what happens in it, but I'll be damned if it doesn't look amazing. The colours, the lines, the slight distortion of moving objects all combine with the general confusion of both the plot and that the characters are experiencing in a great way. I'm definitely going to have to watch it again, when I'm a bit more awake, and see if I can make more sense of it.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Transformers: The Movie

I was never really that big into Transformers when I was growing up; I was certainly aware of them (what child in the 80s wasn't enthralled by the idea of robots disguised as cars smacking each other up?), and I seem to remember owning one of the smaller ones, but I never saw more than the briefest glimpses of the adver- beg pardon, the cartoon. As such, my Nostalgia-meter is barely fluctuating.

However, the aforementioned car-robot-smacking still appeals today, and so it was that I came to see Michael Bay's big-screen adaptation late last week.